
Below is a selection of recent and upcoming events. We welcome input – please contact us with your suggestion.


To be announced


Shallow Geothermal Days 2020 online

The Shallow Geothermal Energy Days aim to connect policy makers, industry and researchers to foster the use of shallow geothermal in Europe. This year, the event took place from 4 to 11 December (fully online).  The event was organised by the European Geothermal Energy Council (EGEC) in cooperation with RHC-ETIP, Geotrainet, the COST Action Geothermal-DHC and the MUSE (Managing Shallow Geothermal Energy) project.

For a full review of the Shallow Geothermal Energy Days 2020 please visit

UGEG Urban Geology Webinar 2020

Held in November 2020 – a series of presentations are available to watch from here. These set out the work and initiatives ongoing in urban areas across Europe.

IWA webinar 2020 – Groundwater – A Hidden Resource and opportunity for water utility climate resilience

The International Water Association (IWA) Groundwater Management Specialist Group held a webinar in October 2020 as part of the Climate Smart Utilities Programme.  This webinar looked at the potential role of groundwater for water utilities and greater climate resilience.    The overall messages from this webinar highlight the potential role of groundwater resources to help contribute to developing increased climate resilience in water supplies, but that much greater understanding of aquifer systems and how effective and sustainable conjunctive management of surface water ans groundwater resources can be realised.  A series of recommendations is made by the webinar and the IWA groundwater management group.

IWA Vimeo channel: (download options available)